Till Death Do Us Part (S01,E12)
In which one of the team gets married, one wears a wedding dress and we all get to witness.
As the famous opening titles end, we open on a woman driving to a payphone to make a rushed phone call. She gets her friend’s answering machine and leaves a message saying she’s being held prisoner by her soon-to-be husband. There’s just enough time to hang up the phone before two menacing goons catch up with the runaway.
Over in LA the friend who took the message, Tracy, gets into a cab driven by a very obvious Hannibal in disguise. He drives her to a car wash where BA and Face get it. Tracy’s very calm all things considered. She stays in the car when you’d not blame her for legging it. Hannibal introduces the team and mentions she’s been to see Mr Lee too.

Tracy explains that her friend Jackie is being forced to marry Calvin Cutter, her deceased father’s business partner. Tracy called the police after the phone call but Jackie, no doubt under coercion, told them she was fine and it was just a prank.
The wedding’s only a few days away so the team act quickly. They arrive on the day in a catering truck, with Murdock posing as a French chef and a huge cardboard cake topped with shaving foam icing. Amy’s already at the house as a photographer, taking pictures and scoping out the layout. Hannibal spikes the wedding limo’s tyres while Face and BA infiltrate the house.
BA gets some quality lines in this episode, firstly when the real chef asks him where he’s from, he replies with a perfectly delivered: “what kind of question is that fool”? I bet you read that in his voice too or at least have now.
With the ceremony about to begin, Murdock and Face climb to Jackie’s room to rescue her. While Face takes her out through the window, Murdock puts on her wedding dress and accompanies some goons outside, neither of who notice the bride’s deep cough or complete change of height and body shape.
Murdock makes it up to the aisle before revealing himself by pulling pack his veil and running away. The henchmen give chase, but BA pops out of the cake and starts shooting at them (well, all around them not directly at them of course). As the team pull away in the catering truck, the limo blows its tires on the spikes and the mission is a success. The team ditch their vehicle for BA’s van and even Hannibal seems surprised that everything went to plan.
Jackie reveals to the team that she suspects Calvin killed her father and was marrying her for the fortune she inherited from him. She might even be able to prove it if she can get to his old office as he used to tape his meetings.
Meanwhile, Calvin’s used his power to set up roadblocks on all the roads out of town with the cover story that Jackie’s been kidnapped. Hannibal works up a plan to use one of the family’s TV stations to broadcast the truth, but as soon as they arrive at the station master squeals on them and they have to escape. There’s very bad dubbing as blatant body doubles pick up cameras and microphones while Hannibal’s voice declares he has yet another plan.
It turns out that the new plan is to get Jackie married to someone else so that Calvin can’t force her to marry him and can’t kill her as her fortune would go to her new husband. Face is the obvious choice, despite his misgivings, wedding Jackie with one of BA’s many gold rings.
With vows exchanged, the team begin to hide off the roads by sleeping in the van. Hannibal disguises himself as a phone repairman, in exquisite triple denim, and breaks into Calvin’s office. He finds the tape recorder but doesn’t have time to get the tape before he’s interrupted. Showing Calvin a video of Face’s wedding, he offers a deal – they’ll sign the company over to Calvin if he lets the team and Jackie leave town for good.
Back at the van, the newlyweds share a kiss but are interrupted when Hannibal returns with burgers for all and news of the next plan. As it involves escaping by helicopter, BA swaps his burger with Murdock who immediately faints. Pleased with himself, he cracks a wide smile and bites into his food, only to fall over unconscious while Murdock gets up. Another plan comes together.
Face and Hannibal return to Calvin’s office to sign papers to transfer him the company. Face retrieves the tape and the two say they’ll sign on the roof when they’re given the keys to the helicopter. At the last second, one of the henchmen spots the empty tape player and races up to tell his boss. With the papers signed, Calvin’s squad turn their guns on the team and we’re in a standoff. Thankfully this helicopter was a ploy and Murdock appears overhead (apparently flying in silent mode before that moment) with the chopper from the TV station and rescues the boys, with Amy, Jackie and an unconscious BA already aboard.
There’s an impressive helicopter chase as Murdock weaves in and out of canyons and trees to escape. The team get the upper hand and dump oil on their pursuers’ windscreen and make it over the county lines – which seem to be sacred to even the villains who couldn’t possibly cross them despite the likelihood of a life sentence looming. It’s not a perfect ending though as the helicopter is leaking fuel from bullet holes and Murdock has to crash land.
The next day, the team leave the courthouse having annulled Face’s marriage to Jackie. Calvin’s being arrested for murder and BA’s over the moon as everyone except him is wearing a cast from the crash. Freeze frame on his grinning face.
Let’s wrap up with a few key questions.
Does Hannibal wear a disguise?
Yes, two onscreen and there’s a mention of Mr Lee. He’s a cab driver when the team first meet Tracy to take on the case and later a phone repairman in an incredible stonewash triple denim outfit.
Does BA get on a plane?
No, but he is knocked out with a spiked burger and put into a helicopter which crashes. You can understand his fear of flying, having now crashed twice in planes and choppers.
Should someone be dead?
No. There’s not as much action in Till Death Do Us Part as the focus is on the team lying low. Arguably the helicopter crash could have done more damage but it’s off-screen so I can’t say how bad it was for the passengers.
Till Death Do Us Part is one of my favourite episodes thanks to its many plans and comic tone. I love how Hannibal is bemused at how well his plan to rescue Jackie goes at the start of the episode and then spends the rest of the time making up new plans one after the other as they all go slightly wrong.
Though there’s less action than usual, there are some all-time great moments of comedy to enjoy. Murdock running away in a wedding dress followed by BA bursting from a cake like the world’s scariest adult entertainer is fantastic. BA, in particular, hits his stride in this one, perfecting his growling delivery and questioning of Murdock’s sanity (“the man is a nut”).
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